
Week 12 - The Last Post About The Last Slumber Party...for now.

Here we are again.

In deep discussion of this strange and powerful film. You know the name. I hope, I hope, you went out and saw it because it’s not around anymore. The Rialto sent it away even though I demanded that they keep it for another week and why not? It’s a great movie!

But, it’s gone. And, since it’s gone, I think we can discuss things in a little more detail. For example, who is the girl in the opening and what do her activities have to do with anything else? How does the killer see in her window so casually when there’s no place outside for him to stand on unless he’s using the subtle and delicate POLEV!? What about the young man named Science? He deserves his own paragraph...

Science? Who was he? Why was he? I don’t know and I couldn’t tell ya. But, he is intriguing. He always dresses in hospital scrubs but he’s really just a high school kid vaguely seen studying anatomy. Why? I know this one. So we might confuse him with the killer. But, you ask, don’t we clearly see the killer in the beginning and, clearly, isn’t Science a different guy? Yes, yes. But, c’mon! Science does kill one person. Isn’t that odd! You can’t tell me you didn’t go “Hey” or something similar when he slashed that one guy up. Then, when you see him about to slash the girl (Linda), come on, that’s nutty! Science does not seem to have any motive for slashing people except...they pick on him quite a bit. Come on, you’ve seen him get the sweety sweet pick on. What about the parking lot when the three guys pick on him? When the doctor’s nearby? Well? I forget what they say to him but they definitely imply something of a masturbatory nature. There you go. The man snapped. From the two brief times we see him, I think it’s more than enough to warrant a kill. (Although, I got picked on like that occasionally in high school and I’m fine.)

What about the Doctor? A man who is so deliberately wooden that he draws attention to every word spoken and makes everything that much more important. Think about this “...well...I just don’t know.” Huh? There you go. (And, how about that news bulletin that the girls stare intently at? There’s nothing on the screen.) The doctor...every word he speaks is so...you want...you wanna know what he’s going to say.

His nurse is similar. The way she keeps stumbling over her lines makes you focus. Strong. And, she dies all too soon. All...tooo... (but, what about that guy at the bus stop and his nutty hair? Ha, HA!)

Let’s talk more about Chris. I watched the film a fourth time and those bags under her eyes add to her allure. She is the one who dreams a large portion of the film. Follow me...The film goes along. Then, Chris calls Linda from her strange and desolate room. She talks to Linda, they discuss things pertaining to the slowly approaching party, and then she hangs up. And falls asleep...And, dreams the slumber party. Then, somewhere within the party, she has another dream of a surreal nature that clues her in to what’s going on. She wakes up, still within the dream, and the film goes until her throat is slit, I think. Then...she wakes up and we enter the real world of this fictional piece of thing.

A few questions: Is Chris trapped in the house? When the killer goes with Linda’s dad to the hospital, why doesn’t she leave? It’s a dream! But, if it is a dream, why are we following the dad and the killer? Chris disappears from her own dream. Why doesn’t the killer kill the dad at home? Why sit in the back seat of Doctor Dad’s car, go to the hospital, sneak back in, stand in an elevator, slash the Dad’s throat, sneak out of the hospital with the dead Dad, drive back to his house and deposit the body in the pool?

Then, I realize...it’s all a dream! It is dreamlike. More dreamlike than almost anything else I’ve ever encountered. It certainly doesn’t make a lot of sense. I love it! I love it!

Now, what’s next...

What a strange shower scene Chris has! Does the killer go in there and stare at her? Shouldn’t she be putting on fresh clothes? Shouldn’t she be naked for a bit, for a little? Why not? How does she get from being so damp to being so dry so quick?

Every scene could be covered like this but not enough room and/or time has been presented to me.

So, we’ll shank it up...

It’s interesting. I’ve been to a lot of slumber parties in my youth and none of them were as fun and crazy as the majority of cinema’s slumber parties that always makes my youth feel so inadequate. I am finally satiated in my recollection of Slumber Parties after “The Last Slumber Party.” This is like every overnight party I ever enjoyed, apart from the killings.

The party in this film is half-assed. There is always a threat of parent trouble. It’s about getting drunk and/ or high. Occasionally having sex if you can finagle it. And, watching lots of TV. On and on and on...around 2AM, you start to feel every minute. But, you don’t want to sleep because you can do that at home. If you’ve got someone to fool around with, time flies by. Soars by. But, most of the time you sit in a room as people fall asleep one by one and repeats of sitcoms you never liked move endlessly across the TV. You might sleep for a while. Very late. Sometimes I would be the last one up and...it proved nothing. Because, 1) couples in separate rooms still might have been making out and 2) what does it matter if you’re up and not making out with someone? Ah well...

This movie, maybe, lashed me with one too many straps in the region of my special places. It’s odd. Hollywood so effortlessly keeps pulling out these glorious strings of magic after magic.

There it is. “The Last Slumber Party.” If it was, it was a hell of a time.

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